Recently I’ve been bombarded with bad news: Britney Spears has a new album, Tim Armstrong had a helping hand in Pink’s album, and The Hippos have released their last album. I believe it was some time two years ago that I initially heard The Hippos broke up. Needless to say, it was a sad, sad day. So when news of their new album came my way I was both confused and delighted.
I was thrilled when I pressed play and immediately heard the same energy possessed by past Hippos albums; the sort of energy that makes you want to get up and dance, and the feeling is held throughout the album. The record is split into two parts; one part represents the actual album, while the second part represents songs included for fun. The effects and synthesized vocals are neither distracting nor overwhelming. It is surprising I feel this way because usually I am not a fan of synthesizers. In the case of the album, it adds to the fun aspect. The effects fit the album’s feel like the plastic covering fits the album case. As for the songs on the release, they just charge on in a way only The Hippos can do. While one of the songs begins with a Weezer-“Island in the Sun” feel, the connection is obliterated, at least set aside, once the intro finishes. The rest of the song is unique as is the remainder of the album.
I recommend putting this album in your car if you are equipped with one of those multiple disc CD changers. When it comes on it immediately makes you smile and think happy thoughts. You will wiggle in your seat, wishing you could see them in concert. Unfortunately, they will not be supporting this last album with a tour. This album is all you’re gonna get, so relish it. “We’re Here” is a strong opening song and lucky for you, it is available as a free ring tone for your phone. In fact, I have it! It’s awesome. Also, you won’t mistake someone else’s ring for your phone. Instead of cringing every time your phone rings, you’ll jump for joy. Personally my favorite song on the album is “I Know,” but all the songs are great though. How often can you say that? Get it! Go now! Savor the last fruits of The Hippos.
(Fanscape Music)