Ex-Cops - True Hallucinations
Ex-Cops influences show they do come forth with a unique sound and will no doubt be a band to watch in 2013.
Beginning with an intro worthy of any notable indie pop band I had high hopes for True Hallucinations, the debut album from Brooklyn band Ex-Cops. Despite its lack of heaviness in sound, which at first annoyed me, its absence acts to add a sort of whimsical tone that encompasses the entire album.
Something that is no doubt true for everyone is that a good album can be measured on its ability for future playback, or listenability (it could be a word). In other words that it gets better with every listen, and Ex-Cops have definitely succeeded. Evoking resemblance to Dandy Warholesque sensibilities the instrumental opening track “S&HSXX” is followed by psych-surf track “Ken,” that induces head banging while flowing nicely between melody and hooks.
Also included on the album are the tracks “Millionaire” and “You Are a Lion, I Am a Lamb.”Both of which were originally self-released by founding members Brian Harding (ex-Hymns) and Amalie Bruun (ex-Minks). Placed at different intervals in the album these tracks really showcase the lo-fi pop beginnings of the then duo, and the subsequent progression into the more polished indie-surf/pop-rock quintet they are today.
The surf rock guitar riffs and harmonies in “Separator” and “Spring Break (birthday song)” coupled with the atmospheric haze in tracks like “Jazz & Information” and “Nico Beast” make for an album that blends equal amounts of rock, pop, indie and minimalism. Their influences show they do come forth with a unique sound and will no doubt be a band to watch in 2013.
(Other Music Recording Co.)